The Building of Ngaire


Ordering the Plans.......

Next choice:  PDF format or actual Plans ...... will let you know ...... why not book mark this ongoing story....

The Plans have arrived ......

Well we ordered the plans in PDF format, they arrived promptly from Duckflat with the offer of assistance as required.

I can see that the phone bill could get high on some occasions but we will wait and see  .. .. .. the plans themselves are easy to read and follow as are the general directions contained within (38 pages in all).

Spending, a good time reading them and re-reading them just to get a good understanding. This is the biggest project I have ever attempted. Scary in some ways, but I do not like failing. I had imagined that we would be able to build the boat in a relatively short time - guess what that won't be happening, so I am aiming for about 2 years giving the facts of work and family commitments.

The next phase for us will the sourcing of good quality timber at a fair price - we live about 4 hours from Melbourne in a small rural centre.

till next time enjoy life.